Thursday, December 19, 2013

Quack Director's DVD Reviewed by Fellow Frauds

Already blogged before.  Guess that wasn't enough PR and they're fishing for more:

A DVD by Massimo Mazzucco Review of the Film by Simon Day and Commentary on the Italian Premiere by AE911Truth Staff
A DVD by Massimo Mazzucco
Review of the Film by Simon Day and Commentary on the Italian Premiere by AE911Truth Staff
The DVD reviewed here is quite important for the 9/11 Truth movement generally. However, it ventures far outside the scope of AE911Truth’s mission and area of expertise. While we review, and wholeheartedly embrace, the excellent segments of the DVD that cover the World Trade Center evidence, we specifically do not endorse, or even discuss, the other three hours of material on the DVD.
Award-winning director Massimo Mazzucco commands the debate with the “debunkers” in this powerful new documentary about the 9/11 Truth Movement’s challenge to the official conspiracy theories of 9/11.In September 1997, “The Project for the New American Century,” a Washington, DC-based US think tank, was founded with the purpose of promoting US global leadership. In September 2000, they published a report entitled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century.” In this document, we find the following statement: “[T]he process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.”
Wind the clock on another year to the devastating events of September 11th, 2001, and we have a plausible candidate for this New Pearl Harbor. This is the case made by Massimo Mazzucco in his superb new DVD, September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor. This epic production, stands head and shoulders above most of the other offerings that try to span the spectrum of the events on 9/11. So what makes this one so special? For me, there are three key points to be highlighted.
The first is the quality of the presentation. Many documentaries address this complex subject, but fail to achieve a level of professionalism. In contrast, Mazzucco’s production has the sort of quality that one might see on television or in the mainstream media.
The second is the enormous depth and quality of the research that has gone into the production. Mazzucco has let out all the stops, has explored most of the angles, and provides a wealth of information. A lot of the information in the film was obtained through the efforts of various researchers in the 9/11 Truth Movement via Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Key facets of the controversial issues surrounding 9/11 are presented meticulously and fairly.
The third is Mazzucco’s adherence to the principles of logic and science.
But let’s get back to the central point of Mazzucco’s work – the similarity between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor (PH). He kicks off the DVD by describing 12 points of similarity.
First, we are told that the claimed goal of the government in each case differed substantially from the actual goal. In the case of PH, the actual goal was war with Hitler, whereas the stated goal was war with Japan. Similarly, in the case of 9/11, the larger goal was war with Iraq, whereas the country first attacked by the US after 9/11 was Afghanistan.
Subsequently, in both cases, a powerful propaganda machine was cranked up to establish the necessary connections in the public mind. A huge number of Americans ended up believing that Hitler was responsible for PH and that Saddam Hussein was the mastermind behind 9/11.
Foreknowledge was another key area of similarity. In both cases, it was well known in Washington, DC, that attacks were expected well before they actually occurred. Even the exact dates of the attacks were known weeks in advance. The foreknowledge of the attacks enjoyed by one group in the government was withheld from other groups that might have been able to avert them. In both cases, the government was accused of having this foreknowledge, but these claims were, unsurprisingly, denounced. At the same time, when honest officials who wanted to avert the attacks tried to report it to their superiors, their calls fell on deaf ears.
Moving on to the military response to the attacks (or lack of it), we see yet more similarities. In both cases, at the exact time of the attacks, key members of the military made themselves unavailable. Donald Rumsfeld, it is reported, vanished without trace for 30 minutes. Prior to this, in both cases, the available military force in the area had been deliberately reduced. On 9/11 there were only four available jet fighters to defend the whole of the Eastern seaboard of the country. On top of this, in both cases, we have stand-down orders that were issued (apparently from VP Dick Cheney on 911), further crippling the country’s defenses in its hour of need.
Needless to say that, in both cases, the indignation of the public following the attacks was used to justify entry into wars that had been planned long before. The aftermath of each attack saw the formation of commissions whose stated purpose it was to investigate the government’s failure to thwart the attacks. The Roberts Commission (in the case of PH) and the 9/11 Commission were both “investigations” into conspiracies that might have been led (astray) by the conspirators themselves. Neither investigation acknowledged any involvement by insiders.
debunking-911-myths-book-2011-lg The myths of 9/11 crumble under Mazzucco’s fierce and unrelenting scrutiny as he takes apart Popular Mechanics piece by piece.Moving on again, we are told of the various citizens groups speaking out about the events of 9/11 and the state of the ongoing debate between them. First we have those in the 9/11 Truth Movement, sometimes called “Truthers,” who question the official narrative of events. Then we have the “debunkers,” who have attempted to disprove the evidence offered by the Truthers. Mazzucco devotes much of his attention to disproving such attempts by the debunkers, resulting in a comprehensive, highly coherent rebuttal of the debunkers’ case.
In Mazzucco’s sights are Italy’s top debunker Paulo Attivissimo and his French counterpart Jerome Quirant. Both these men have been active in their home countries on the lecture circuit presenting their “facts” about 9/11. At the top of Attivissimo’s list is Popular Mechanics magazine which produced the book Debunking 9/11 Myths. Although this book has been thoroughly debunked by AE911Truth, it is still regarded by some as the best attempt yet by debunkers to challenge the 9/11 Truth Movement. In more than four dozen separate examples, Mazzucco effectively demonstrates that a lot of the debunkers’ “evidence” is either entirely untrue or is based on misconceptions and erroneous inferences.
Mazzucco, on the other side of the debate table, recognizes the outstanding efforts by the professionals at AE911Truth to refute the building collapse reports produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
core-tt The core structure of the Twin Towers was far from a being “hollow steel shaft” as it was described in The 9/11 Commission Report. The 47 massive steel box columns in the core were 52 in. x 22 in. at the base and almost solid steel. Yet debunkers try all manner of (often dishonest) justifications to explain away how these columns suddenly, all at once, gave up about 90% of their strengthLet’s have a look at some of the debunkers’ arguments in a little more detail. (Many of these points are also provided in the detailed documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out by the 2,100-strong Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which is used throughout this important 2-hour section of Mazzucco’s 5-hour DVD.)
One constant theme is that the three WTC towers were allegedly built using light construction that rendered them fragile and weak. This is based around the fact that the towers’ interior columns were located in the core of the buildings, with an open area between that core and the perimeter that was spanned by floor-framing members.
Some debunkers say that it’s the location of the uprights that made the Towers weak. Others, including the 9/11 Commission, maintained that it was the location of the uprights in the core that made it weak – calling it a “hollow steel shaft.” Attivissimo, for example, makes this claim in one of his lectures and goes on to say that “as far as I know, only the [Willis (formerly)] Sears Tower is of the same type, and nobody uses [this method of construction] anymore.” The facts, of course, as pointed out by AE911Truth petition signers David Chandler and Anthony Szamboti disagree with this assertion. The core, far from being a hollow shaft, was in fact a solid array of very substantial columns that were more like a separate skyscraper within a skyscraper. The outer shell, joined to the central core via a hat truss at the top of the building, resulted in a structure of immense strength that was capable of supporting three to five times the actual weight of the building. This design model is so strong that it is still used in new buildings today.
chandler-tower-crushThe AE911Truth experts who testify in Mazzucco’s powerful documentary note that there would be equal and opposite destructive forces acting on the top section of the building as it crushed the lower section. In fact, according to Newton’s Third Law, it would be destroyed in the first four seconds of this conflict – as video clips show that it wasIn fact, a similar design was used by Larry Silverstein’s architects to construct the new building that stands on the site of the originally destroyed third tower – WTC7. Also, the structural engineers who designed the Twin Towers noted that one of the design criteria was that that it should be able to withstand an airliner hitting it at 600 mph. They said, “[T]he problem would be that the fuel would dump into the building [causing fires] – but the building would still be there.”
Mazzucco emphasizes a solid tenet of the Truthers’ argument, which is that the free-fall collapse of the three towers is impossible without additional energy being supplied to the system during collapse. The idea here is a simple one. As the section of the building that was falling (the upper block of floors in the case of WTC1 and WTC2) fell onto the section that was, at that point in time, stationary (the intact lower floors), energy would have been absorbed by the stationary section in two ways.
First would be the energy needed to shatter the lower section and move the columns – allowing the falling section to accelerate downward at nearly the rate of free-fall. Since, in the government’s narrative, the only source of energy was the kinetic energy of the falling upper section, we should, therefore, observe substantially less than a free-fall downward acceleration. However, for a large part of the duration of the collapse, the event proceeded at near free-fall acceleration: exactly the opposite of what would be predicted both by physics and common sense.
One would expect NIST to have some kind of explanation of this in their report. However, shockingly, there is no such explanation. NIST was careful to point out that their investigation only covered what happened up to the “initiation of collapse,” and omits any discussion of what happened after collapse initiation – insisting that it was unnecessary because, as John Gross, Co-Project Leader of the NIST report states rather flippantly, “After all, the building collapsed and we all saw it.” Perhaps the reason for this is that to have done so would have necessitated an explanation of why the laws of physics did not hold true on 9/11, even though they have proved unvarying on every other day throughout time.
Mazzucco makes all this clear by showing an excerpt of a presentation by AE911Truth’s Richard Gage, AIA, founder of AE911Truth. Gage explains that is not too difficult to calculate the structural resistance of the lower floors to the collapse from the weight above – and the decelerating effect this would have. When this is taken into consideration, he demonstrates that it is not even possible that the whole building would collapse at all, let alone at the near free-fall acceleration that was documented by researchers (and that is even admitted by official reports).
Mazzucco employs dozens of examples such as the above that refute the position of each debunker exhaustively. The DVD is not only an effective source of information for anyone already well versed in the events and debate of 9/11, but also an excellent starting place for anyone new to the many fascinating technical issues involved. Their disturbing implications are also well covered in the film.
David Ray Griffin, 9/11 researcher and author of 10 books on the subject, notes, “There have been several good films and videos about 9/11. But this new film by award-winning film-maker Massimo Mazzucco is in a class by itself. For those of us who have been working on 9/11 for a long time, this is the film we have been waiting for.”
Learn more at the Director’s website.
Get the DVD now from AE911Truth.
"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" - Full version (1/3)
"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" - Full version (2/3)
"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" - Full version (3/3)
Commentary on the Italian Premiere
TNPH2The New Pearl HarborI had the distinct honor of attending the November 10 premiere of the new Italian 9/11 film, entitled in English September 11: The New Pearl Harbor, at the Teatro Palladium in central Rome. The award-winning documentary filmmaker is Massimo Mazzucco.
An enthusiastic crowd of 200 people filled the main seating area of the theater. After the epic-length film concluded, a lively question-and-answer session ensued where it quickly became apparent that most attendees were, in fact, already familiar with the basic evidence, yet inspired by the new research and presentation. The discussion quickly centered around how to move forward on educating the public and getting a real investigation.
I spoke for a few minutes, in my broken Italian, letting others know more about the landmark AE911Truth documentary “9/11: Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out,” which is featured in the World Trade Center section of Mazzucco’s film. I also encouraged the audience, architects, engineers, and others alike, to sign our AE911Truth petition, which has been signed by more than 2,100 A/E’s demanding a new investigation into the catastrophic destruction of all three WTC skyscrapers.
TNPH1The audience at Rome’s Teatro Palladium takes in the relentless mass of evidence at the November 11 premiereThe film is long – taking up five hours and three DVDs – but it provides a unique visual compendium of 9/11 information, presenting the views of both the defenders of the official conspiracy theory and the supporters of the 9/11 Truth Movement. It covers key events of 9/11: the stand-down of air defense, the hijackers, the airplanes, the Pentagon, Flight 93, the Twin Towers, and Building 7.
There is far too much information to summarize here in this report, but I will highlight the film’s methodology and show the high points that relate to AE911Truth readers.
TNPH4Popular Mechanics editor Jim Meigs has accused 9/11 activist/researchers of lying and disgracing the memories of 9/11 victimsThe film starts by showing the parallels between the events of Pearl Harbor and of 9/11 then presents many of the main issues of the 9/11 Truth debate. It goes on to introduce the 9/11 Truth Movement and 9/11 truth debunkers Paolo Attivissimo of Italy; Jerome Quirant of France; Michael Shermer, editor of Skeptic magazine, and (more importantly) Jim Meigs and associates from Popular Mechanics magazine.
Mazzucco employs an intriguing approach. As the film progresses, the debunkers are allowed to make their points, attempting to discredit the “conspiracy theories.” Then Mazzucco systematically uses video of highly credible experts, clips and audio of actual air-traffic control and air-defense dialogue. He follows up the evidence for each point with concise and pointed questions, a total of 50 in all, challenging the viewer directly to explain facts that contradict the debunkers’ points that he has assembled. The approach is very effective in demonstrating the debunkers’ lack of credibility.
TNPH3Google Street View captures the irony of NIST’s lack of scientific opennessThe part most relevant to our mission at AE911Truth, the exposure of the evidence for the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7, begins halfway through DVD #2 with a series of video clips showing the airplane impacts into the twin towers from many angles. The videos show people standing in the gaping holes of the buildings that are about to collapse – along with the emotionally compelling recording of a cell phone call from a desperate woman saying “I’m going to die,” then a roar, as the entire building is destroyed from top to bottom, then silence. Mazzucco identifies two organizations as playing central – though competing – roles in the investigation. The first is NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the US Department of Commerce. The second is Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He then gives an extensive and thorough explanation of our work, highlighting our successes – for example in getting NIST to change the WTC 7 report to admit the free-fall of Building 7.
TNPH5Richard Gage, AIA, narrates “9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out” with locations shots around Ground ZeroMazzucco goes on to build a convincing case for controlled demolition by using the testimony of many experts, including structural engineer Leslie Robertson, who was intimately involved in the design of the twin towers, several clips of AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, and many clips of the experts from “9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out.” Mazzucco makes effective use of the scientific forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony that AE911Truth has so carefully assembled in its film.
It was truly satisfying to see AE911Truth’s expertise and evidence be used in increasingly more successful films, like this one, from all around the world.

YAWN.  Yeah.  Whatever.

Monday, December 2, 2013


 Why is Jon Gold, a Jew, still posting on 911blogger?

TheRealNews With Paul Jay Covers The Saudi Arabia - 9/11 Connection With Fmr. Senator Bob Graham

The original videos are available at TheRealNews youtube channel. You can also access them at TheRealNews website.

Doesn't he know by know it's run by at least one man with a history of pushing anti-semite/conspiracy bs?

Ted Tilton Jr.
Message 1 of 4 , Dec 24 10:32 AM  [2006]
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Here is some more information when considering the current history of our country...

Hide message history

Israel's awareness of the events has been a hot button from the very beginning. The focus centers on the dancing Israeli film crew who was set up across the river to film the whole event as it unfolded that morning in September of 2001.
Think you will find this article of interest. It is the harshest commentary on Israeli involvement I've seen thus far, but it is the first time I've read about those five people who were arrested and then released in New York being on a talk show.
The Likud Criminal Gang
Behind 911 &
The 'War On Terror' 

By Christopher Bollyn
Ehud Olmert and the criminal gang behind the Likud party in Israel are directly implicated in 9/11 and the subsequent so-called "war on terror."
This is not an opinion - this is what the evidence reveals:
See "The Israeli Prime Minister's Connection to 9/11"
Three of the five "dancing Israelis" appeared on an Israeli television show to explain that they were sent to document the event. Here is an excerpt of them:
2.4 mb
The Zionists justify their knowledge of the attack by claiming they had followed the Arab terrorists and discovered their dastardly plans.
The Zionists claim to have warned a few government employees of the upcoming attack, but they never bothered to tell their friends in the news organizations.
The far right Likud party of Israel grew out of the Zionist terrorist gang known as the IRGUN - a fascist organization created by Vladimir Jabotinsky of Odessa. This is the same terror gang that blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem and committed terrorist acts across Palestine and beyond in the 1930s and 40s.
Terrorism, particularly "false-flag" terror in which the blame for a terror attack is wrongly assigned to the enemy, is a strategy and tactic developed and perfected by the Zionists.
The so-called "war on terror" is also a Zionist construct first articulated by Benjamin Netanyahu in the early 1980s. There was a earlier concept developed in Israel called "TNT" which stood for the Hebrew "Terror Neged Terror" or "terror against terror."
The blueprint for the "war on terror" is found in Netanyahu's 1986 book "Terrorism: How the West Can Win." In his speeches and writings, Netanyahu, whose father was the secretary for Vladimir Jabotinsky, and a leader in his New Zionist Organization, promotes the "war on terror" to be waged against Israel's enemies.
The evidence and the motivation for 9/11 all point to the criminal Likud party and their hard-core Zionist supporters in the United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia.
It should be obvious that people like Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, and Shimon Peres were involved at the architectural level in the planning of 9/11 in order to bring the United States military into a shooting war in the Middle East.
The same Zionist gangsters who support the Likud also support the Republican Party. Lewis Eisenberg, Ronald Lauder, and Steven L. Friedman are among the U.S. based Zionists that are deeply involved in the attacks of 9/11.
See: A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud
When looking at the terror attacks of 9/11, one should ask more than "Cui bono?" It should also be asked: "Who else?"
Who else could have done it? Who else would want to do it? Who else has any reason to do it?
These Zionist leaders are more than war criminals - they are a threat to all of humanity. They must to be stopped, for our sake and the sake of the peace of the world.
The Zionists are not the pious, peaceloving, religious people they claim to be. Rather, they are a treacherous, deceptive, and abusive criminal gang.
No one accidentally sends an email like this unless they are a Nazi goon. Yes, someone can use Rense as a resource, until they know better, but there is no evidence Teddy aka Orangatan ever said, "Oops, my bad!  I should have checked those sources better!"

Not even when he's called out:

Dec 25 12:23 PM
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Dear Ted Tilton,

While I, as a Jew, am deeply upset by Israel's recent aggressions against innocent Palestinians, the article you have forwarded to our listserve, by Christopher Bollyn, is downright alarming. Finding fault with Israel's policies is one thing -- and is fair game. However, damning the Zionist movement and insinuating that it is some worldwide evil cabal, as Bollyn has done in this and other articles he's written, is right out of the playbook of the the most virulent and hate-mongering anti-Semites of our age, including the authors of the infamous "Protocols of Zion".

There are many legitimate voices rightfully criticizing Israel's current leadership. Bollyn's is not one of them.

Wishing everyone happy holidays,

It's oblivious Gold is caught in a fraud.  The "Truth" Movement fraud.   This isn't about the family members.  It's not about the first responders. It's about the scammers and organizations that are exploiting family members, first responders and people like Jon Gold who have a hard time believing multiple groups of scammers would go out of their way to exploit a tragedy for their ends.

The reason there's so much anti-Semitic /Patriot movement/Pro-militia crap in 911 truth is because the "Truth" movement as Gold knows it was always a front to organize the radical extreme right.  And now, with Tilton in charge, they have literally taken over 911blogger.  

So why the fuck is Gold still posting there?  Does he like being made a fool of by closet Nazis?  Not just by one closet Nazi chick, but TWO?  


If Gold wants to pursue justice for the families, fine.  He can do that at his own website.  or on Facebook.  But for the love of all that is holy and sacred DO NOT DO IT ON A WEBSITE OWNED AND RUN BY A CLOSET NAZI.

And dude, clean your fucking Facebook friends list out!  Anyone has a "friend" with pro Nazi/anti Semite contacts...out they go!  Then you'll see exactly how bad the scam is.

Hint: the website that harassed you?  They're pushing the project, knowing "shills" Justin and Teddy are involved.



Get smart or expect more of it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Another fake lawsuit by New Jersey 911 Aware's David Meiswinkle

Don't they call those "lol" suits?

Maybe it's not a lawsuit, but it is an officially, legally, actiony sorta think a scammer will do to pull in more marks, posted by "Joe":

Breaking news: On November 1, 2013, a complaint was filed with the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation

Breaking news:
On November 1, 2013, a complaint was filed with the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation
David R. Meiswinkle, President, and Founder of New Jersey 911 Aware, met with a state Investigator to review the complaint.
GO TO: for a PDF of the complaint

President of New Jersey 9/11 Aware, David Meiswinkle, in front of the NJ State Capital Building, preparing to file for a new 9/11 investigation with the NJ State Committee of Investigation (SCI)

[Video text: 
Published on Nov 19, 2013
David Meiswinkle is a criminal defense attorney, a retired New Brunswick police officer, and a former reporter. While a police officer, he was the major political opposition to the powerful Senator John Lynch machine in Middlesex County, and ran for mayor against Lynch in New Brunswick. David was the founder of the New Brunswick Taxpayers and Tenants Association and also of the New Brunswick Reporter, a local newspaper. He is now the founder and president of New Jersey 9/11 Aware-- a group fighting to establish a new 9/11 investigation within the state of New Jersey. In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall he talks about New Jersey 9/11 Aware's efforts and the complaint that he recently filed with the the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation.  ]

9/11 Free Fall 11/14/13: David Meiswinkle-- New Jersey 9/11 Aware
Free Fall Free Fall·81 videos
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Published on Nov 19, 2013
David Meiswinkle is a criminal defense attorney, a retired New Brunswick police officer, and a former reporter. While a police officer, he was the major political opposition to the powerful Senator John Lynch machine in Middlesex County, and ran for mayor against Lynch in New Brunswick. David was the founder of the New Brunswick Taxpayers and Tenants Association and also of the New Brunswick Reporter, a local newspaper. He is now the founder and president of New Jersey 9/11 Aware-- a group fighting to establish a new 9/11 investigation within the state of New Jersey. In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall he talks about New Jersey 9/11 Aware's efforts and the complaint that he recently filed with the the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation.
Read the complaint here:


The complaint can be downloaded here:

or read in cache here:

But who is David Meiswinkle?  He doesn't have a wiki page, but seems to be a minor politician from New Jersey associated with the :
In 2009 he had a website called


As a soldier in the U.S. military and as a police officer for 23 years, I swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, even with my life if necessary. Today, as an attorney, I continue the work of protecting people’s Constitutional rights.
Our Founding Fathers fervently believed that government should serve the needs of the people. But in New Jersey, we have been betrayed by self-serving politicians and powerful commercial interests.
New Jersey tax rates on property, sales, and personal income are among the highest in the Nation, if not the highest.  This situation is intolerable.
As your Governor, I will vigilantly defend our rights. I seek to empower the middle class and protect our standard of living. I will reduce the tax burden on hard-working citizens; and we will regain the public’s control of government by implementing the following programs: (click on the links for more information).
  1. Promoting Direct Democracy through Initiative, Referendum, and Recall
  2. Enforcing Honest Government
  3. Job Creation and Protecting Small Businesses in New Jersey
The "issues" has 911 "truth" right at the top:

On The Issues

About 9/11  with press release:

New 911 Commission


     There is no statute of limitation for homicide.  On September 11, 2001 almost 3,000 American were murdered.  679 of them were citizens of New Jersey. The Twin Towers were owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.  Two of the air planes flew out of the Newark, New Jersey air port.  The anthrax attacks were in Hamilton, New Jersey.  New Jersey has a significant nexus to this event.

 The Bush administration was big to move off the internal matter of investigating. Chris Christie, the then new United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey did nothing.  Instead of an investigation, the citizens received the Patriot Act, as if they did something wrong, which curtailed freedoms in a world that was seemingly becoming scarier to live in.  19 terrorist were identified within two days, as the alleged suspects, but there has been no prove forthcoming to establish that fact.  9 of these alleged assassins and hijackers are presently alive and well it has been reported; so they were not in the doomed air planes.  If not them, then who.

     Without a doubt, what happened was sensational, horrific to the nth degree.  The event struck the Nation’s psyche to the core.  America’s soul was pierced and bled.  There was mental damage.  The country was traumatized and in shock.  It was vulnerable; and could easily be taken advantage of by being repositioned and redirected.

     Now, there will be folks yelling that things are all right, don’t revisit what has been settled; don’t stir things up now that they have quieted down; don’t espouse conspiracy theory etc. 

     My response is this: Let us learn the facts.  Because if you desire to know the facts as best they can be ascertained you will not doubt the need for a new investigation.  You will demand it.  America was attacked at its inner core.  Those who are responsible for that crime are enemies of each one of us. We should do all that we can to bring light on the matter and allow truth to prevail.; no matter how painful it may be to review the events once more…and no matter how upsetting it may be to follow the evidence back to the source from where it originated.  That means doing an investigation that is objective, thorough and complete.  Our former Governor and co-chairman of the 911 Commission, Tom Kean, himself stated that the investigation was set up to fail, as it was under funded and had no subpoena power.

    If elected, I will give the New Commission some muscle. 

   Today we are fighting two Wars in the Middle East because of 911.  There is oil and the biggest supply of world opium,…  but there are no weapons of mass destruction.

     Let us look at 911 closer this time, second time through.  There are a myriad of happenings that need to be explained that were not. There are so many statements contrary to the “official story”…  which could lead one to a view that certain factions of government have not been forthright with its citizens…and even worse……

David Meiswinkle for Governor
Noelani Musicaro for Lt. Governor 1-877-376-4468
Contact: Michael Cote
Phone: (732) 846-7029


For Immediate Release

David Meiswinkle is an attorney, retired police officer, and U.S. Army veteran. He is an independent candidate for Governor running on the Middle Class Empowerment ticket with Noelani Musicaro, candidate for Lt. Governor.
For more information, contact Michael Cote at (732) 846-7029
Or visit:

September 4, 2009

Meiswinkle Calls for New 9/11 Commission

Independent candidate for New Jersey Governor, David Meiswinkle has called for the creation of a new commission to investigate the circumstances involving the September 11, 2001 catastrophe.

“Nearly 700 New Jersey residents died on that awful day, and an unknown number have since died or grown ill from exposure to contamination at the World Trade Center. These people and their families deserve the truth,” said Meiswinkle, who is running on the Middle Class Empowerment slate with Noelani Musicaro for Lt. Governor.
Citing the failures of The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, Meiswinkle said, “We need a well-financed, professionally staffed, fully independent and objective commission with all the necessary resources and subpoena power to get at the truth.
“It’s no secret that the Bush administration opposed the first 9/11 Commission, then they underfunded it, and then they placed an unreasonable 3-month deadline to complete its task. Even its co-chairs, Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton said the original commission was ‘set up for failure’.”
“We need a new commission with the muscle and determination to get the job done right.”
The 9/11 Commission completed its work and released a report in August 2004. The report concluded that the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented and issued lengthy recommendations for institutional change. The commission and its conclusions have come under extensive criticism, even from its own commissioners.
Meiswinkle, who is an attorney and a retired 23-year police officer, has accused the Bush administration of actively trying to cover up the events leading to the 9/11 disaster.
“This is the greatest failure to defend our country from attack in our nation’s history. There were many warnings but they were not heeded. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield had every reason to cover up their failures. The original 9/11 commissioners believed that the CIA, Pentagon, FAA, and NORAD representatives were deliberately deceiving them. They even wanted to refer criminal prosecution to the justice department.”
In August 2006, Kean and Hamilton published a book titled Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission. In it, they stated that the 9/11 Commission was "set up to fail," and that the commission was so frustrated with repeated misstatements by government officials that they considered referring obstruction of justice charges to the Justice Department.
Meiswinkle believes issues concerning the 9/11 investigation have a direct bearing on the campaign for New Jersey governor. “Chris Christie is basing his campaign as a corruption fighter. But recent revelations about Christie’s political ties to Karl Rove and the White House raises suspicion as to why he was chosen to be U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey.
“The collusion extends to the selection of Christopher Christie as the top Justice Department official for the state,” Meiswinkle asserted. “Bush nominated Christie for the position only three months after 9/11. Yet, Christie never bothered to use the powers of his federal office to investigate the greatest crime in history. He betrayed New Jerseyans who died in that holocaust.
“Christie got his nomination solely because he was the biggest New Jersey fund raiser for Bush — he had no criminal law expertise. Christie’s previous experience was as a lobbyist, County Freeholder, and an attorney. Clearly, Christie was put in place as U.S. Attorney for New Jersey as a political favor and to squash any federal investigation of 9/11.”
If elected, Meiswinkle would empower a new 9/11 commission headed by the New Jersey Attorney General and would call upon President Obama to compel the Justice Department to investigate charges presented by the original 9/11 commission.
It doesn't sound completely insane and that's what sucks in folks.   His honest government platform has  some flags though:
There is but one special interest that I am concerned with and will champion…and that is the Public Good.  Government should exist for the Public Good; not the good of the political bosses and their cronies, or the special interests and their sponsors.
   It is obscene to hear a superintendent of schools retiring with full pension and medical benefits and carrying with them hundreds of thousands of additional dollars. It is not a question of them getting the earned benefits, it just appears, however, that greed and unaccountability allow this situation to get out of control, and the bill to the tax payers to be inflated unnecessarily.
Nowhere does he compare pensions of this theoretical superintendent to say the pension of a corporate CEO.  That would be awkward.  It may appear to him this pension is a sign of greed.  It appears to this reader his example smacks of rightly Libertarian whining and a general ignorance of how pensions work.   His screed on job creation contains another flag: bankers:
Now, after bailing Wall Street out and others, generating more debt and obligations to the Wall Street Bankers, who created the economic problems,....
By itself it doesn't mean anything.  Wall Street has behaved irresponsibly.  But the phrase "bankers" used in this context can be a code word among the right for dem pesky Jews.  He continues on to his thoughts on NAFTA and lauding Ross Perot , as if Perot were the only one critical of NAFTA:
The North American Free Trade Agreement was approved by Congress in 1994 on an expedited manner before the legislation was even read by many congressmen. This trade agreement and others has been a direct attack on the sovereignty of the United States and the standard of living of the middle class.
     Independent Presidential candidate Ross Perot accurately predicted the whooshing sound of countless jobs being sucked out of our country when the debate over these treaties was conducted.
This make me suspicious enough of Davey agenda to do what I can short cut searches:

DM + Ron Paul  
And, by gum, on his current website he's in awe of Paul while he writes a Teabagger friendly political screed:
"There are a few true jewels like Ron Paul, and the late Henry Gonzalez."

The tags are littered with Federal reserve bank and other libertard conspiracy crap.  But on result reveals DM is a contact for the nonprofit  fraud now known as AE 911truth:

Don’t hold back! It only takes one “awakened” police chief to start the ball rolling toward a real 9/11 investigation.

Send your physical mailing address today to me:

Pamela Senzee
[address removed]

Your local NJ State AE911Truth Project Leader is:

David Meiswinkle
Attorney at Law

[address removed]
Well, that meant a search for DM + ae911truth was in order, and sure enough he's plugged at AE911Truth on Facebook:

Tonight at 10PM EST/ 7PM PST: Criminal defense attorney David Meiswinkle talks about his push for a new 9/11 investigation in New Jersey

Not a surprise.  The incestuous conspiracy scammers are rapidly running out of front to hide behind.  There were never very many to begin with.  Having lost their legion of marks from 2006, they're forced to cover each other.  With revealing results:   Meiswinkle is being plugged at this website:

That flirts with Holocaust denial subjects:
And convicted right wing extremist bombers:

Hmmm.  Who the hell is Bob Tuskin?  A conspiracy clown that has some awareness he's in deep anti Jew doo doo by posting this meta thread:

  The comments are the usual mix of veiled anti-semitisim and wacka shill accusations.  More to the point we can see Bobby having a nice chat with a profession purveyor of anti-semite conspiracy lunacy, Jim Fetzer:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bob Tuskin / Jim Viken

Cordial conversation and serious stuff
 Comments are revealing:
  1. Over the last several broadcasts Jim Fetzer has become extremely anti-Semitic. This has become very disconcerting. I would expect more from a professional scholar and academician. I am very disappointed.


    1. No. Raising questions about the reality (or true dimensions) of the Holocaust is not being "anti-Semitic" any more that noting the role of Israel in the atrocities of 9/11.

      I have written about this in the latter case. See, "Is 9/11 research 'anti-Semitic'?", to which the answer is also, "No". Check it out.
    2. I don't think Jim is Anti-Semitic. But he has been getting a lot of influence from people like John Friend. If you listen to this broadcast.

      John's guest advocates all non-white races to be separated out and deported of the United States (except for a nation of blacks [in a separate region of the US] for some reason).

      John F. admits he doesn't necessarily agree with that stance.

      So John F. doesn't believe in the "Hollywood holocaust" and believes the Jews a separate race.

      I believe Jim is influenced by Holocaust revisionism but not anti-semitism.
"I believe Jim is influenced by Holocaust revisionism but not anti-Semitism".  Holocaust denial IS antisemitism.  What a moron. 

So the question is: why does Bob Tuskin, who runs a website that promotes retired bombers and makes excuses for Holocaust deniers, interested in promoting David Meiswinkle's 911 truth campaign?

We've been down this road before and their are only two probably answers:

1:Meiswinkle is yet another well meaning but gullible fool being assimilating into the "Truther" teabagger/militia front

2: Meiswinkle is yet another scammer trying to rally the radical racist right under a fair sounding Libertarian and "truther" propaganda.

Odds are the first probability is not correct...

Update Nov 28th :  blog has disappeared from 911blogger.  The link returns "access denied".

Now why would that be?  Could it be that, Meiswinkle, being a contact for AE911Truth, and Justin Keogh and Teddy Tilton being involved with AE911Truth, feel that would be even too incestuous for their little gang?  Or did they learn how obviously he's connected to creeps on Facebook,

Being friends with both Richard "Conman" Gage and Les "Larouchie Loving" Jamieson"?

Les is even plugging

Then there's Lance linking Meiswinkle to a list of conspiracy clowns, including Fetzer:
The Usual Suspects - these three people. The president, the vice president, and the secretary of defense. December Surprise/September Surprise - Barbara Honegger David R. Meiswinkle Luke Rudkowski Pamela Senzee Kevin Barrett James Henry Fetzer Marc Starcke Marco Antonio Solis Dan Bland Ed Rynearson Marco Antonio Solis Castillo #911JUSTICE #TruthBeTold #endthesilence #facts Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth World for 9/11 Truth Exposing The Truth Christians for 9/11 Truth Firefighters For 9-11 Truth | truthaholics TN Truther Law Enforcement For 9/11 Truth Frank Agamemnon David Slesinger David Jeremiah David Chandler
[Again, it's possible some of these people are duped...well, one of these people.  Basically I believe Luke Rudowski was a victim of a sophisticated con, that reinforced "they" are after him because of 911 truth. It helped that it appears his only social support system is the Alex Jones inspired patriot crowd.   If Luke is reading:  remember there are no agents.  The enemy is right next to you, playing you off from one con to another.  Sorry.]

Just one big incestuous conspiracy family.....

Update  Nov 30:   Strange rumor that this article was submitted by Andrew Steele. He does have a user account at 911blogger:

But he didn't submit the David Meiswinkle blog.  That was user "Joe":

as this screencapture shows:

Where peeps get their info...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

911blogger mods and Kawika dig hole deeper

 EDIT:   strong objections arise in comments, asserting "kawika" is not Larry Mcwilliams, despite  Phil Jayhan indicating he is at "Let's Roll", with no objection from "kawika".   Further research seems to indicate "kawika" is David Cole and Phil Jayhan made a typo, misplacing the comma:
 Between Dave Cole, (kawika) Larry McWilliams
It's still odd "kawika" didn't object. 

He was active on the Let's Roll board as recently as July 2013.  "Kawika" was active at "Let's Roll" and 911blogger for years,  something one commenter seems uncomfortable with.  That brings us back to the point of this post:  it doesn't matter if he's really Mickey Mouse.  The fact is he's running a scam with the 911blogger admins and readers, while for years moonlighting at Let's Roll, a board that takes extreme conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook and fake "vicsims" seriously.   

Also of note is that Jayhan has not commented on Kawika's 911blogger presence.  These are the people who will accuse random passers-by as "shills" and "agents" on the slightest provocation.  Jayhan is displaying unprecedented restraint....The fact is these are all con men. 
EDIT ENDS   Dec 27th


If it wasn't bad enough the website owners were caught trying to trick NIST and fool readers(potential site donors):

 kawika compounds this by starting a thread, approved by the mods, calling attention to the retconned thread:

This thread is also retconed, having been published originally on November 6th, not Nov 11th:

Again he laughably links back to the retconned thread, original date still recorded in the url as Sept 24th.  Given the date kawika posts the responding email is Oct 19th, and kawika hadn't seen fit to update his 60 days no response thread, the possible motive for this convoluted fraud presents itself:

Knowledge that NIST had responded was about to leak to all the little dupes being fleeced at 911blogger.

That is just a theory.

Another discrepancy:   Kawika claims it is his inquiry.   The NIST letters address a David Cole.  kawika however is not David Cole, though they are friends.  kawika is Larry McWilliams, of the Letsroll911 website run by Phil Jayhan:
 Between Dave Cole, (kawika) Larry McWilliams and myself, we have spent hundreds of hours studying this occupancy FOIA request over the last 6 months or so, and we haven't even scratched the surface yet. We would like to request that all of you as a group take lots of time studying this so that collectively we miss nothing. This FOIA is a goldmine. It's the gift that keeps on giving, a mine that never runs dry. We believe that we have given you an accurate overview of the material so that you will know and be able to scour the spreadsheet as we did and know how to spot things. We need all of your help.

To say that there were occupancy issues is a gross understatement. The official story seems more then just a little bit hollow.

Phil Jayhan, Dave Cole & Larry McWilliams

And then these new comments are dated Nov 7th, which is a clue to the real November 6th publication date.

The Text of

NIST Replies to Stiffeners Inquiry

I am pleased to offer the following email from Public Affairs Officer Michael Newman, dated 25 OCT 2013. The inquiry actually began in March 2012 immediately following our discovery of the stiffeners on girder A2001. Despite what the answer says, I made my inquiry on 26 JUL 2013 and followed up on 24 SEP. No reply was received so I sent a final letter on 19 OCT.
Background on this inquiry can be found here:
Subject: RE: WTC7 Report Discrepancies
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:55:28 +0000
Dear Mr. Cole,
Following your e-mail of September 24 (see below), a set of responses to your questions were prepared. Unfortunately, the partial shutdown of the federal government delayed our getting these responses to you. With our apologies for tardiness, here are those responses:
A) In NCSTAR 1-9, which design drawing was used to create:
Figure 8-21?.................1091, 9114
Figure 8-23?.................1091, 3004, 9114
Figure 8-26?.................1091, 3004, 9114
Figure 8-27?.................E12-13
Figure 11-16?...............E12-13, E120
Figure 11-19?...............None
Figure 12-24?..............1091, 9114
Figure 12-25?..............1091, 9114, E12-13

B) Given that Frankel drawing #9114 shows 3/4" web/flange stiffeners installed on the girder at the 13th floor column 79 connection, why weren't the stiffeners reported in NCSTAR 1-9 and shown in the figures listed above? Was Frankel Drawing #9114 used? If not, why not?
The web stiffeners shown at the end of the girder in Frankel drawing #9114 prevent web crippling. The structural analyses of WTC 7 did not show any web crippling failures. Therefore, the web crippling plates did not need to be included in the models/analyses.
Again, we apologize for the length of time it took to get this information back to you.
Thank you for your interest in the NIST World Trade Center investigation.
Michael Newman
NIST Public Affairs Office

Good Work, Kawika

I'm confused. Here's a search result for "web crippling":
From the drawing it is clear that these stiffener plates would clearly resist this "web crippling" from occurring at this location. But how in God's name would these same stiffeners NOT ALSO prevent girder walk-off? A lie of omission?

Crippling Analysis

How did they determine there was no web crippling? By analysis?
If you did an analysis and purposely left off the plates, then you would surely see flange failure, not web crippling.
This is very strange logic.


Just feels like double-talk.

Well, njes, njes, but...

A more technically correct term is "evasion", but engineers may have their own term that better fits the bill, or perhaps they prefer the colloquial term commonly represented by the letters "bs"?
At minimum it is a good thing to have the admission on record that the plates where omitted, and also having gotten a glimpse at the kind of tricks NIST will try in court.
How much of a bother would it be to do our own computer model of the supposed failure zone - not the whole building - with all the omissions included and all the distortions corrected? Would this not be the kind of evidence that stops the show?

Technically, NIST's statement is true, but it's a red herring

Clearly the only reason to use the stiffeners was to resist web crippling, which is what happens when a load is too concentrated.
There's a good explanation of the phenomenon here:
NIST is using web crippling as a red herring to disguise the fact that those same stiffeners would have resisted the curling of the lower flange as the girder reached the outer limit of its walk-off.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong:
1) I believe that NIST claims that the thermal expansion of the beams was sufficient to push the girder off even if there was a stiffener plate.
2) I believe Mr. Szamboti and Mr. Sarns have done calcs to show that the actual thermal expansion of the beam was not sufficient to push it that far.
3) I believe Mr. Brookman asked NIST for their thermal expansion calcs and was refused on public safety grounds.

A glimpse of the kinds of tricks yes...

Oh yes, NIST's response was delayed (for a number of months) and they apologize for it, how nice & decent.
So, they respond by writing a mere three short sentences to wrap it all up; the stiffeners were not included because their function is to prevent web crippling failures, which the structural analysis of WTC7 did not show. Satisfied now?
I also liked the "Thank you for your interest in the NIST World Trade Center investigation.".
Can I ask, what kind of response did anyone expect from NIST regarding this crucial issue? Again, they obviously believe they can get away with this kind of response. For me, it's the audacity, the nerve to think they can get away with answers like this, that worries and frustrates me (and quite frankly infuriates me if I'm honest).
I wonder now, what's next? Is mr. Cole going to write them again and ask if the stiffeners, which were omitted, maybe, just maybe, would have prevented the girder walking off its seat? Or ask them if they can verify that, had the stiffeners been included, the outcome would still have been the same (which is what they claim if I read their response correctly)? And how long will we have to wait for a response on that?

Open Opportunity

There is an open opportunity for anyone wishing to contact NIST and gather a few more answers. There is no reason it has to be just one or two individuals.
When it gets to be a blizzard of inquiries, they may take steps to run the analyses again and report back what was learned once the critical structural elements are included.
The interesting thing is the draft report in Aug 2008 underwent a limited, informal peer review. Here is a link to the comments received.
Pay particular attention to PDF page 9.
If NIST did not address the many concerns of this organization, then you can imagine what kind of evidence you will have to present to get their attention. The stiffeners and beam stubs fit that evidence set.


Yes, NIST have no excuse for not taking these guys seriously. They seem to have been right onto the fact that there should have been additional elements in and around this connection, and presumably they cam to this conclusion without having the drawings to refer to. Very telling that NIST have apparently been ignoring this issue since October 2008. No response as yet from the CTBUH on what, if anything NIST had to say in reply to the very pertinent points that they raise.


Thus far, NIST has gotten away with withholding their model data inputs by pleading that doing so would...
Based on this ludicrous statement we should not expect anything reasonable from NIST's official responses.
I only wish an Edward Snowden, Thomas Drake or Sibel Edmonds had done a stint at NIST.
I commend your work.

NIST's bogus response points to a greater underlying problem

I am not an architect, but one doesn't have to be one to see that NIST's response is clearly unscientific and untransparent. (ie BS)
The other question here - and this is not to decry the greater proportion of the workforce at NIST who do honest work: "Is it realistic to expect NIST, a federal agency (within the US Department of Commerce) to come to an official conclusion regarding the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC#7 that points away from, or implies a different scenario from what we have been "informed" by other agencies and persons within the US Government?
If that is indeed the case, and government agencies (in this case NIST) are complicit in protecting rogue elements ie criminals, terrorists, mass murderers and traitors within our own power structure, then we have the makings of a failed state on our hands. What means are at the disposal of we the people to rectify that?

the top 10 connections..

You make a good point.
The 9/11 Commission, FEMA and NIST have all put a thick coat of "whitewash" on all the reports so far, so it is fair to question their motives, and the general ability of any federal identity to produce honest and unbiased investigations.
This is very apparent from another angle, which is to consider the "inside-job" option which entails controlled demolition and nanothermite, since we know that leads to prominent federal labs(cited in Harrit´s nanothermite paper) and even NIST according to Kevin Ryan´s article about the NISTical connections to nanothermite development.
I am pretty sure many here have followed the "investigation" into the officially acknowledged fact that the Anthrax attack was an inside-job, so we do have a precedent for how efficient federal-grade whitewash really is, and perhaps even the mold for how the "lone nut" explanation for made-in-the-USA nanothermite would play out.

Re: the top 10 connections..

It's unlikely that there was any nanothermite involved in the destruction of the WTC. I'm very familiar with the nanothermite topic, having spent many hours studying what is known about it from info provided by all parties involved. Let's be careful to put forward only issues which we can verify to be correct and true. That NIST left out the stiffener plates from their analysis, and that this renders their analytical methodology to be improper and their conclusions thus invalidated (or dubious at best), is verified and correct.


First of all, it does not matter what you think personally. No matter the final conclusion, any new investigation into the collapses of the WTC buildings will have to examine the nanothermite evidence put forth by AE9/11 - which brings me to my original point: Since this investigation leads to nanothermite, any federal or governmental investigations are compromised because "the government" developed nanothermite and therefore there is an extreme conflict of interest. This fact should prevent more NIST reports on WTC7 assuming we nullify the old report in court, and help us get a proper independent investigation.
Secondly, I don´t know how you came to your conclusion, but the "issues" we put forward are in the form of documented evidence: published papers, eye-witness testimony, testimony from experts, etc - pretty much the AE9/11 evidence brochure, and this includes a lot of evidence for nanothermite. Real skeptics will respond with papers that attempt to refute or better explain our evidence, and this is how the debate proceeds until some theory is finally officially "verified". Given dust full of iron spheres, extreme temperatures data, and molten metal flowing like lava, the thermite hypothesis is very strong. And especially with Harrit´s paper, the nanothermite hypothesis is still the best explanation of the data.

Re: verified?

Themite? Possibly. Nanothermite? No reliable evidence for it.
Neither should be presented in a court case against NIST. Just one allegation determined to be false could get the case thrown out of court. It will be difficult enough to get a court to consider the matter of NIST's modeling indiscretions without introducing dubious hypotheses into the case.
If AE9/11 is pushing the nanothermite hypothesis, then AE9/11 is on the wrong track, imho.

You are missing the point

See my response to gerrycan1 below. The point is that no labs with connections to the government can handle the NEW investigation because nanothermite is a suspect, and there is already documented examples of previous investigations ignoring evidence that suggests thermite-type materials.
And again, you personal opinion about what is and is not the real culprit is irrelevant. You are using the same kind non-reasoning as NIST used as an excuse not to investigate the steel and dust and look for nanothermite evidence.
Finally since you provide nothing to back up your claim of "no reliable evidence" for nanothermite, I am forced to dismiss it. No-one has challenged a single point in Harrit´s paper or provided a better explanation for dust full of spheres, and both AE9/11 and Consensus911 support Harrit. Why do you think the JREF loud-mouths backed away from having the Millette Debunking Paper published? Hmmm?

Re: the top 10 connections..

I am not so sure whether thermitic material was or wasn't used in the case of WTC7. Where I do agree with you wholeheartedly is that we need to draw a clear distinction between evidence that is relevant to what did and what did not happen. For now, it is important to attack the official story that we were given by NIST, and confine ourselves to attacking the issue of what DIDN'T happen, rather than speculate about what did. The onus is not on us to provide an explanation for how the building collapsed, it is clearly on NIST. It may be that further down the road the issue of what was used to bring WTC7 down becomes pertinent, but at this stage I believe that we need to focus on the holes in NISTs story, and not get ahead of ourselves by introducing speculative claims into the mix that could allow the route to resolution of this issue to be prolonged. So, whilst I would not cast aside the thermitic material paper entirely, I agree with you that it would not be a useful thing to introduce at this point. Let's rather stick to that which we have in black and white and can prove without getting into debates that could surely only serve to allow the issue to become more protracted.

I agree about focusing..

Yes, at this stage we should focus on "what did not happen" and essentially begin by hauling NIST´s behind to court for the fraudulent WTC7 report.
Determining what happened is far down the road, perhaps a few years, and most likely in the venue of academic papers before returning to court. I am not even sure that we will have to go to court to officially validate controlled demolition, reviewed papers should be enough. Establishing who planned and "did it" is another matter that is even further down the road and that is something that will hopefully end up in court.
However, returning to my original point, once we have nullified the WTC7 report, there will be a point where someone(perhaps the judge) appoints someone to handle the new investigation of 7´s demise, and at that point this someone will have to know of the conflicts of interests that should prevent governmental labs, and labs that have gov connections, from getting the job.
At this point there will be no need to prove that nano-thermite was the culprit; enough to establish that it is one of the suspects. That´s it.

Once again, they do the "NIST sidestep".

Of course web stiffeners are used to prevent web crippling. But that doesnt mean that the same plate won't also help resist the bottom flange from folding in the highly unlikely event that some strange additional force pushed the beam sideways.
Newton says that the forces on the plate works both ways. Just like a brace under a bookshelf is designed to hold the shelf up, that same shelf brace will also help brace the wall in the highly unlikely event that some strange additional force pushes sideways on the wall. Yet that's not the reason that the "shelf designer" put the brace there.
It's the physics of the forces that the brace resists that must be factored in to any honest analysis, not the "intent" of why it was put there, that matters.
But of course when it comes to 9/11 , we really don't expect much of an honest analysis from NIST.