Monday, December 2, 2013


 Why is Jon Gold, a Jew, still posting on 911blogger?

TheRealNews With Paul Jay Covers The Saudi Arabia - 9/11 Connection With Fmr. Senator Bob Graham

The original videos are available at TheRealNews youtube channel. You can also access them at TheRealNews website.

Doesn't he know by know it's run by at least one man with a history of pushing anti-semite/conspiracy bs?

Ted Tilton Jr.
Message 1 of 4 , Dec 24 10:32 AM  [2006]
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Here is some more information when considering the current history of our country...

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Israel's awareness of the events has been a hot button from the very beginning. The focus centers on the dancing Israeli film crew who was set up across the river to film the whole event as it unfolded that morning in September of 2001.
Think you will find this article of interest. It is the harshest commentary on Israeli involvement I've seen thus far, but it is the first time I've read about those five people who were arrested and then released in New York being on a talk show.
The Likud Criminal Gang
Behind 911 &
The 'War On Terror' 

By Christopher Bollyn
Ehud Olmert and the criminal gang behind the Likud party in Israel are directly implicated in 9/11 and the subsequent so-called "war on terror."
This is not an opinion - this is what the evidence reveals:
See "The Israeli Prime Minister's Connection to 9/11"
Three of the five "dancing Israelis" appeared on an Israeli television show to explain that they were sent to document the event. Here is an excerpt of them:
2.4 mb
The Zionists justify their knowledge of the attack by claiming they had followed the Arab terrorists and discovered their dastardly plans.
The Zionists claim to have warned a few government employees of the upcoming attack, but they never bothered to tell their friends in the news organizations.
The far right Likud party of Israel grew out of the Zionist terrorist gang known as the IRGUN - a fascist organization created by Vladimir Jabotinsky of Odessa. This is the same terror gang that blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem and committed terrorist acts across Palestine and beyond in the 1930s and 40s.
Terrorism, particularly "false-flag" terror in which the blame for a terror attack is wrongly assigned to the enemy, is a strategy and tactic developed and perfected by the Zionists.
The so-called "war on terror" is also a Zionist construct first articulated by Benjamin Netanyahu in the early 1980s. There was a earlier concept developed in Israel called "TNT" which stood for the Hebrew "Terror Neged Terror" or "terror against terror."
The blueprint for the "war on terror" is found in Netanyahu's 1986 book "Terrorism: How the West Can Win." In his speeches and writings, Netanyahu, whose father was the secretary for Vladimir Jabotinsky, and a leader in his New Zionist Organization, promotes the "war on terror" to be waged against Israel's enemies.
The evidence and the motivation for 9/11 all point to the criminal Likud party and their hard-core Zionist supporters in the United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia.
It should be obvious that people like Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, and Shimon Peres were involved at the architectural level in the planning of 9/11 in order to bring the United States military into a shooting war in the Middle East.
The same Zionist gangsters who support the Likud also support the Republican Party. Lewis Eisenberg, Ronald Lauder, and Steven L. Friedman are among the U.S. based Zionists that are deeply involved in the attacks of 9/11.
See: A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud
When looking at the terror attacks of 9/11, one should ask more than "Cui bono?" It should also be asked: "Who else?"
Who else could have done it? Who else would want to do it? Who else has any reason to do it?
These Zionist leaders are more than war criminals - they are a threat to all of humanity. They must to be stopped, for our sake and the sake of the peace of the world.
The Zionists are not the pious, peaceloving, religious people they claim to be. Rather, they are a treacherous, deceptive, and abusive criminal gang.
No one accidentally sends an email like this unless they are a Nazi goon. Yes, someone can use Rense as a resource, until they know better, but there is no evidence Teddy aka Orangatan ever said, "Oops, my bad!  I should have checked those sources better!"

Not even when he's called out:

Dec 25 12:23 PM
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Dear Ted Tilton,

While I, as a Jew, am deeply upset by Israel's recent aggressions against innocent Palestinians, the article you have forwarded to our listserve, by Christopher Bollyn, is downright alarming. Finding fault with Israel's policies is one thing -- and is fair game. However, damning the Zionist movement and insinuating that it is some worldwide evil cabal, as Bollyn has done in this and other articles he's written, is right out of the playbook of the the most virulent and hate-mongering anti-Semites of our age, including the authors of the infamous "Protocols of Zion".

There are many legitimate voices rightfully criticizing Israel's current leadership. Bollyn's is not one of them.

Wishing everyone happy holidays,

It's oblivious Gold is caught in a fraud.  The "Truth" Movement fraud.   This isn't about the family members.  It's not about the first responders. It's about the scammers and organizations that are exploiting family members, first responders and people like Jon Gold who have a hard time believing multiple groups of scammers would go out of their way to exploit a tragedy for their ends.

The reason there's so much anti-Semitic /Patriot movement/Pro-militia crap in 911 truth is because the "Truth" movement as Gold knows it was always a front to organize the radical extreme right.  And now, with Tilton in charge, they have literally taken over 911blogger.  

So why the fuck is Gold still posting there?  Does he like being made a fool of by closet Nazis?  Not just by one closet Nazi chick, but TWO?  


If Gold wants to pursue justice for the families, fine.  He can do that at his own website.  or on Facebook.  But for the love of all that is holy and sacred DO NOT DO IT ON A WEBSITE OWNED AND RUN BY A CLOSET NAZI.

And dude, clean your fucking Facebook friends list out!  Anyone has a "friend" with pro Nazi/anti Semite contacts...out they go!  Then you'll see exactly how bad the scam is.

Hint: the website that harassed you?  They're pushing the project, knowing "shills" Justin and Teddy are involved.



Get smart or expect more of it.

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