Sunday, January 12, 2014

Steven Jones returns to the scene of the fraud

And he's flogging Richard Gage's dubious non profit and some tired insinuations about Judy Wood: continues to grow, and a response to Judy Wood

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth recently passed another milestone, achieving over 20,000 members. As of today, there are 2,132 architects and engineers signed up AND 18,144 other supporters, for a total of 20,276.
I continue to support AE911Truth and congratulate their recent campaigns for public awareness and pending lawsuits against NIST. I have expressed my concerns regarding NIST analyses and lack of transparency through the years. I am glad to see this further action being taken.
Richard Gage recently gave a nice summary of the progress of, . He quipped, "Steven Jones had a PowerPoint. I stole it seven years ago." Yes, he used my slides but it was with my permission. When I was "early retired" in January 2007, I found it increasingly burdensome to travel and Richard has picked up that role, and I for one appreciate that!
Are you aware of the articles available at When I am asked about the hypotheses of Judy Wood, which happened again recently, I'm glad that I can point to FAQ #3: - a well-written response.
Many are aware that Judy Wood continues to attack Richard Gage, me, and Niels Harrit by name -- see for example her talk here: (especially towards the end).
I should like to add that Wood's attack on me (in this talk) for a vote in 1989 regarding cold fusion claims is misleading and most unfair. The question I raised was -- did Pons and Fleischmann see deuteron-deuteron fusion as they claimed? My main argument then as now is that the observation of anomalous excess heat does not PROVE that d-d fusion is the cause, contrary to claims at the time. Even Fleischmann before his passing in 2012 finally admitted that he should not have called it "fusion". For more on this question, please see my talk-abstract at the 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-18) held at the University of Missouri at Columbia in July 2013. I was there all week and pleased at the corroborating results presented by Professor Kasagi and others. Some of the startling results have recently been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. And I assure you, that work is not over...
Finally, I strongly support the initiative of AE911Truth to bring public attention to the anomalous fall of WTC7, at free-fall acceleration for over 100 feet. NIST finally admitted to this inconvenient fact. I have spoken regarding the anomalous fall of WTC7 numerous times, but happily acknowledge that AE911Truth is extending the public awareness regarding WTC7 more than I ever did!
Let's remember what Steven Jones is: a fraud.

According to Wikipedia Jones is a scientist:

Steven Earl Jones is an American physicist. For the majority of his career, Jones was known primarily to other scientists for his work on muon-catalyzed fusion.
What it doesn't mention is his Over-Unity "research", something usually called, Perpetual Motion machines, or more bluntly, a scientific hoax. His research "activities" can still be found online:

Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit gives evidence for 8x overunity
May 27, 2011 - Professor Jones has developed a variation of the 'Joule Thief' circuit and has shown evidence that its output is eight times greater than the

Physicist Steven E. Jones shows evidence for overunity: circuit and ...

Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit gives evidence for 8x overunity ... › Board indexPeak Oil ForumsEnergy Technology
Jun 14, 2011 - 20 posts - ‎9 authors
Retired Physics Professor, Steven E. Jones is working on a simple overunity circuit that he has seen go as high as 20 times overunity

PhysicsProf Steven E. Jones circuit shows 8x overunity ? › ... › Solid States Devicessolid state devices

Replication of Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit gives evidence for 8x ... › ... › Current projects being worked on
Jun 27, 2011 - 1 post - ‎1 author

Dr. Jones - Current Research and Historical Notes - OverUnity Research
Jul 11, 2013 - 25 posts - ‎4 authors
By BYU Professors Jae Ballif, William Evenson, and Steven Jones

To learn more about Over-unity, go to the Wikipedia page:

You'll notice it redirects to, you guessed it, perpetual motion:

Perpetual motion describes motion that continues indefinitely without any external source of energy.[2] This is impossible in practice because of friction and other sources of energy loss.[3][4][5] Furthermore, the term is often used in a stronger sense to describe a perpetual motion machine of the first kind, a "hypothetical machine which, once activated, would continue to function and produce work"[6] indefinitely with no input of energy. There is a scientific consensus that perpetual motion is impossible, as it would violate the first or second law of thermodynamics.[4][5]
Since Jones is a scientist, he would know there is a scientific consensus that what he's claiming to do, create free energy, is scientificly impossible.  And make no mistake:  Over Unity research is all about "free energy".  Google search:
Over unity Free Energy
The only reason Over Unity isn't on Jone's Wikipedia page is, so far, it hasn't been covered by a credible media source. So it's rather ironic Jones is making pot shots at Judy Wood, who shares an interest in "Free Energy":

Free-Energy Technology Demonstrated on 9/11 - Dr. Judy Wood

KEY EVIDENCE (videos) - Dr. Judy Wood
This evidence is central to it all. 9/11 was a demonstration of a new technology; free energy. It can be used for good,
There is little difference between Jones and Wood: they are both using quasi scientific credentials to promote scientific hoaxes and frauds.   If anything Jones is more culpable because he has the education to know he's promoting a scientific hoax.  Judy Wood OTOH is a victim of a complex confidence game, managed and manipulated by Jone's old friend Jim Fetzer.

Jones' other claim to shame is the Bentham Open Journal fiasco:

Dprjones invites Jones to a debate which it doesn't appear Jones has ever excepted.  If readers know otherwise, feel free to comment.

The Thermite Conspiracy - MIRROR (dprjones)

The Bentham  Journal appears to be vanity press that went to great lengths conning the participation of real scientists:
[now only in wayback machine.]

Hoax Article Accepted by “Peer-Reviewed” OA Bentham Journal

Does this raise more questions about author-pays models or this publisher?
 Norman Oder -- Library Journal, 6/11/2009
  • Article credited to Center for Research in Applied Phrenology
  • Bentham claims one-time error
  • Payment models require new vigilance, say hoaxers
In an Open Access (OA) version of the 1996 Sokal affair, when a hoax article was accepted by an academic journal, Cornell University librarian and graduate student Phil Davis successfully submitted a manuscript full of gibberish and credited to pseudonymous authors at The Center for Research in Applied Phrenology to The Open Information Science Journal (TOISCIJ), which “claims to enforce peer-review.”
Davis chose the journal “[a]fter being spammed with invitations to publish in Bentham Science journals earlier this year.”
In April 2008, British journalist Richard Poynder reported on Bentham’s ambitious strategy to launch 200 OA journals and the negative reaction to its recruitment of contributors, especially given that many researches were solicited for publications outside their expertise.

(One apparent solicitation—though its provenance is not clear—has varying font sizes and typefaces, suggesting a cut-and-paste aspect to the recruitment of editorial board members.)
While Bentham’s U.S. representative did not respond to a query from Library Journal, its United Arab Emirates-based subscription manager told the Chronicle of Higher Education that it was one-time error (and said no one else would comment).
One commenter on Scholarly Kitchen, Jeppe Nicolaisen, wrote that he long ago withdrew from the TOISCIJ’s “so-called editorial board because I felt something was wrong” and said he was “a bit shocked” to see his name still on the board.

(Another Bentham editor resigned in April after Bentham published a controversial article about 9/11 without her knowledge.)
Library holdings
According to WorldCat, the journal appears in the catalogs of four North American academic libraries (University of Iowa, Florida Atlantic University, University of Alberta, and Oregon State University), as well as five libraries in Australia and libraries in Qatar and Hong Kong.
The implications
Davis received confirmation four months after submission not from an editor but from Sana Mokarram, the Assistant Manager of Publication, who requested that he pay the $800 author fee. He then retracted the manuscript, titled “Deconstructing Access Points.”
He previously had tried to submit another fake manuscript to a different Bentham publication, The Open Software Engineering Journal; it was rejected, though the publisher encouraged him to suggest board members and submit another manuscript.
Davis concluded, “While one should be careful not to generalize these results to other Open Access journals using similar business models, it does raise the question of whether, at least in some cases, the producer-pays-to-publish model may unduly influence editorial decision-making. One may also question whether publishers like Bentham see a lucrative opportunity from the OA movement, considering that academic libraries are establishing author publication funds to pay Open Access charges.”
His partner in the project, Kent Anderson, executive director of international business and product development at the New England Journal of Medicine, commented separately on Scholarly Kitchen, advising, “It's important that everyone in academic publishing realize there is a feeder issue at play -- the swelling pools of author-pays funding, how they're being managed, and policies around their use.”
He suggested that blaming publishers is too easy, but rather “it may be the administrators of the funding who have shown an Achilles' heel--lax oversight, a lack of transparency, motivations to support the "publish or perish" culture of academia today, and an inability to hold publishers accountable for services rendered.”
In debate
Peter Suber, an OA advocate, noted on his blog widespread suspicion about Bentham, noting that Bentham Editorial Director Matthew Honan would not tell Poynder who owns the company.
“The question is whether we're dealing with a very weak journal or with something larger,” Suber wrote, noting that many more traditional journals charge author-side fees.
“Anderson is right that institutions paying publishers should take responsibility to monitor how their money is spent,” he observed. “But the principle is a general one.”
Tom Wilson, publisher and editor-in-chief of the free journal Information Research, suggested that any process in which money changes hands is flawed.
In spite of this, the Bentham Paper is still being used as "proof" Jones, and now by extension AE911truth aka Richard Gage, have a scientific basis to their claims.  Take this comment:

f(failure(Millette)) = Judy Wood?
Hello Dr. Jones. Although the malicious attempts by Judy and her followers to divide the truth movement are annoying, they are also a bit amusing for those of us that do not have our names smeared in public by them, because they signal an end to the era of the JREF-type (so called) debunkers of the thermite hypothesis, which are being phased out due to their incompetence. Ironically, they may have initiated their own demise when their much hyped study by Dr. Millette backfired spectacularly in public as they failed to get it published.
Leaving aside that Judy Wood is just a victim of the 911 "truth" fraud, let's look at Millette.  His paper can be read here:

Simon mocks Millette for not getting his paper published.  But whether or not Millette's paper is "published" isn't the point.  The point is he has demonstrated there was no thermite or thermite analogues  in the dust:

I didn't ask Jim Millette these theoretical questions, though. I asked him, can you find thermite in the WTC dust? His answer: no thermite. Simple. It wasn't there, so it's irrelevant whether it CAN be used to bring down a building; it WASN'T THERE so it couldn't have been used to bring down the three tall buildings on 9/11!
Millette has something Jones dreams he could have: scientific credability in the scientific  and engineering community.  From Millette's paper:

Revised Report of Results: MVA9119
Progress Report on the
Analysis of Red/Gray Chips
in WTC Dust
Prepared for:
Classical Guide
Denver, CO

James R. Millette, Ph.D.
Executive Director
MVA Scientific Consultants
3300 Breckinridge Boulevard
Suite 400 Duluth, GA 30096
Supercedes Report Dated 29 February 2012
01 March 2012
Looking up MVA:
Home - MVA Scientific Consultants, Inc.
MVA Scientific Consultants, Inc. provides analytical microscopy for environmental, litigation, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical industries.
This is not a fly by night operation.  Nor is it someone who has a degree in physics but negligible experience in the field of his claims.    On a related note, 911blogger co owner Jkeogh was a physics student.  Therefore he also knows Jones "research" into overunity is a fraud.   And, given jkeogh's involvement with and, you'd think he'd be concerned about a scientific fraud promoting Richard Gage's projects.  The alleged increase of AE911Truth members aside, perhaps this indicates how desperate the scammers are for promoters. 

The traffic at 9/11 blogger is nothing short of abysmal.  Not counting Gold's misguided involvement, most people who believed there was a real basis for this research got a shock in 2009 when not only was the Bentham Journal exposed as a vanity press, then in 2011 Jones embraced perpetual motion/free energy, but when no remaining "sane" person who had public presence(Richard Gage, etc) objected.

A sure sign they were all in bed together by 2011.    Why do they bother pretending otherwise?

But while these numbers might be a cause for celebration in selling the 911 "truth" con, there's another interpretation.  Change this:
As of today, there are 2,132 architects and engineers signed up AND 18,144 other supporters, for a total of 20,276.

to this:
As of today, there are 2,132 architects and engineers signed up AND 18,144 other people defrauded, for a total of 20,276.
Keep bragging about increasing membership, Jones,  All you're bragging about is how many more people have been conned.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Let's Roll forum Rethinking 911?

 A friendly connection between Let's Roll and 911blogger through user Kawika has already been covered:

Whether or not Kawika is Cole or Larry, what's not in dispute is his long association with Phil Jayhan and his "Let's Roll" forum.  Protests in comments aside, "Kawika" did contribute actively to both websites, at the same time, for at least a couple of years.

But he avoided promoting obvious links to 911blogger/Richard Gage, etc.  Leaving the casual observer to assume and had no common ground.  One is painfully trying to appeal to the reasonable mainstream; the other is in cuckoo woo land. 

But, a project with 911blogger owner Justin Keogh's involvement via AE911Truth, was promoted at Lets Roll:

 Well its that time of the year again. 

 11 Sep 2013 , 02:04 AM


Join Date: 18 Dec 2011
Location: south wales
Posts: 177
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Well its that time of the year again.

As the title say its that time of the year again, such a sad day any of you guys on here got anything planned for today? i know there is allot going on in new york today. if you are in new york today have a look at this

Hope you all have a good day today.

thanks fireblade.
My 911 youtube page.

With approval of some mods, and no comment from the site owner:

The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to fireblade911 For This Useful Post:

Previously, Lets Roll users had a less flattering perspective, accusing the 911Blogger website of being possibly "infiltrated:

Rock Creek Free Press: Is working for the other side?

Re: Rock Creek Free Press: Is working for the other side?

Oops should have referenced with links...
This article is from the November issue of the ROCK CREEK FREE PRESS
Full tin foil paranoia, approved of by the webmaster:

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to BlatantWorld For This Useful Post:
They obviously don't believe agents are infiltrating, because they link to the website a month later, with no protest from users:

911Blogger; Dump Trucks Ready on 9/11/01 to Cart off Evidence

This was a new video to me. Very telling...Visit link for full-story.

But the website has only nice things to say about AE911Truth and the scammer who runs it:

Richard Gage AIA from ae911truth Live Online Video Chat

Richard Gage will visit Paltalk video chat room entitled "The Truth Movement" on August 27, 2010 (6 to 8 p.m. EDT). We'll be taking questions from any room member who chooses to visit with us as time permits. We will conduct an open mic session after Richard's visit, as "The Truth Movement" paltalk room has very competent people on the subject of 9/11 from all over the world.

Also If you would like to see a new investigation into 911 please sign the petition Say yes to a new investigation. We hope that you find the room informative. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Thank You Hope To See You.
Investigate 9/11

Approved of again by the webmaster:

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Bel_Fla For This Useful Post:


17 Aug 2010 , 19:11 PM

Join Date: 23 Feb 2004
Location: Middle Earth
You wouldn't happen to have Richards email address would you? I am searching for it but cannot find it in my box. I think I lost it.

Thanks and thanks for the heads up on Gages Q&A session.

Cheers & welcome to the forums!
Phil Jayhan 9/11 Blog | Phil Jayhan.Com Video Host | Frederick Bastiats Audio of "The Law"

Since 911blogger is an organ of AE911truth, it's odd that AE911Truth was never accused of being on the "other side".   Or at the least, users aren't asking the question:

"Hey, wait a minute!  Doesn't the thing have a lot of involvement from the people who run 911blogger?  Who we thought were working for 'the other side'?  " is equally oblivious about Let's Roll's website, saying little about the cuckoo woo land.  It was linked to as recently  as last september, with nary a user objection:

I heard Ryan's Coast to Coast AM interview.
He said that the Jet fuel exploded. No doubt there was an explosion but it was not Jet A.
Jet A does NOT explode at sea level unless heated.
There is 40 years of research data showing this. This includes 6 years of quality sampling data accumulated by NASA.
I have links and excerpts of data posted over on a forum board you might want to review for your own satisfaction that Jet A does not explode. In fact a 20 joule spark immersed in Jet A will not ignite it.
The photo taken by david handschuh , if real, shows an explosion from the side "the plane" enters on.

But site co-owner Keogh did weigh in:

 Deflagrate is the correct term.
Aerosolized hydrocarbons (which is what you get in a high speed jet crash) are easily ignited, and like many flammable aerosols will burn subsonically.
You can find examples of Jet A burning rapidly in a variety of aircraft crash footage. It's usually ignited by the engine, but in a high speed crashes there are plenty of other opportunities.
Two low speed examples:
"In fact a 20 joule spark immersed in Jet A will not ignite it."
There is no oxygen if you immerse an ignition source. Not surprising.
From the linked thread...
"For the fuel to explode you would need a containment vessel."
Fuel requires oxygen to burn (as already noted, it does not explode). In a pulse detonation engine, you might call that an explosion, but obviously that's near stoichiometric mixing and not STP.
Fuel air mixtures are infamious for _not_ needing a containment vessle to deflagrate.
"If real"? Use evidence. We have 50+ angles of that crash on video, many which show the impact face.
Whatever, Keogh.  It's all a con.  Why look here, where the mortal enemy of is pushing the project Keogh is involved in:

All a bit cozy, eh? 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Les Jamieson: back to Rethinking 911 Fraud

This is in the first search result for | Sign the Petition for a new 9/11 investigation
From December 12 to January 9, the ReThink911 campaign is sponsoring ads on ... featuring Les Jamieson (NYC Coordinator,, Richard Gage,
How did that happen?  Oh right, it's all a con!  Forgot that for a moment.

 ReThink911 Events in New York City
 Watch videos and photos of ReThink911′s event in Times Square on September 11, 2013, featuring Les Jamieson (NYC Coordinator,, Richard Gage, AIA (, Tom Kiely and Lenny Charles (Co-founders INN World Report), Cynthia McKinney (Former U.S. Congresswoman), Vance Green (FOIA Researcher, Activist), and Dr. William Pepper (International Civil Rights Attorney).

Videos and photos follow including this one:

 Who do we have here?  Les Jamieson, Richard Gage,  some random dupe, and convicted pedophile sex offender John P Dinatale:

24th September 2013, 07:54 AM   #1
Graduate Poster

Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: The van with the big antenna
Posts: 1,508
AE911 in bed with convicted Sex Offender?

Following a thread on facebook regarding this youtube video taken on 9/11 this year, the Marine John P Dinatale seems to have been one of their main speakers, boasting 5 degrees and all round support for Richard Gage.

Except it turns out, he's also a registered sex offender.

Following this video on liveleak, there are some questions as to whether he was ever even a Marine.

Is Richard Gage getting desperate, or does he think it perfectly acceptable to have a convicted sex offender (against a minor, no less) as one of his key speakers?

What a dream team Rethink is turning out to be!    They even cover him at 9/11 Blogger, where NO ONE is bothered by his criminal record that involves minors:

9/11 Free Fall 4/11/13: John Di Natale-- Another Veteran Speaks Out

John Di Natale is an engineer, entrepreneur, and a former Marine. In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall he talks about his awakening and about overcoming the media and emotional barriers people put up to 9/11 Truth.
LOL.  Good luck with that:
Victim Information
Gender:Female  Minor:Yes
Back to Les: what is known about him?   Again let's go to 911blogger.  This should be instructive:

9/11 Free Fall 9/26/13: Les Jamieson- Activist

Les Jamieson is a resident of Brooklyn and has studied the alternative research into 9/11 since November, 2001. He was an organizer for the 3-year long film series at St. Marks Church on Sundays in New York's east village and a leading organizer for the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative. He has also been central in planning several large 9/11 symposiums around the country and anniversary events in New York City including the Rethink911 rally in Times Square under this campaign's billboard. In this episode he talks with Andy Steele about the 9/11 Commission, the ReThink911 rally in New York, and his thoughts on the American public and the resistance of some to facing the evidence about what really happened on 9/11.

Presidential Candidate, Sen. Mike Gravel Meets with 9/11 First Responders

Presidential Candidate, Sen. Mike Gravel Meets with 9/11 First Responders

Now comes the interesting bit:  how between 2007 and 2013 one of the site moderators expressed "concern" about Les:


The following email sent out by Les Jamieson has some great questions & answers to use when speaking with the general public about 9/11 truth & the need for a new investigation!
Hello all,
Since many of you are active in the petition campaign and will be out with us on Saturday at Union Sq. Park, I want to share some dialogue points. For those on this list who are outside of the NYC metro area, these points should also be of value....TL;DR
Victronix replies:

Recommended reading

Les has been involved in providing a stage and mic on each of the past two 9/11 Anniversaries to Judy Wood, Jim Fetzer and Alfred Webre, among others who have discredited our work and even directly disrupted our organizing.
I'm still concerned that Edgar Mitchell, a former astronaut who says that he conducted an ESP experiment on his lunar mission, who says he knows that aliens have visited the US, who is the keynote speaker at ‘X-Conference 2008’ (a large UFO conference in DC), and who is involved in pseudo-science claims like zero-point energy, UFO physics, ESP, and psychic cures, should have been selected as commissioner on the NYC Ballot Initiative. Why? See --
It seems to go along with choosing Alfred Webre to be a speaker at his groups' 2007 Anniversay event in NYC so that he could claim that hidden laser weapons outside the building caused the attendance to be low for the event.
On Alfred Webre --
Preview of Interview with Alfred Webre

ALFRED WEBRE - "Aliens gave time-travel technology to governments"
"Contact by UFOs is a grassroots education program for humanity," Webre says. He further adds that there are technologies like anti-gravity and time travel in the possession of certain governments that have been transferred by extraterrestrials."

On Leuren Moret & Alfred Webre --
"International Citizens 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal"

Links only to Morgan Reynolds, Judy Wood, Ace Baker, September Clues, Total Info 911, Fetzer's Madison Conference, etc. The "Tribunal" is to investigate the role of DEW, nukes, etc. in NYC on 9/11/01.
Mixing hoax or pseudoscience claims with strong evidence is called discrediting by association.
Except now 911bloger has no problem with being discredited by association:

Victronix is a site MODERATOR, and you'd think she'd reject this blog outright or at least protest:
Who maintains
This is lulz:



About Me
I advocate for high standards of evidence in the movement. Most won't like what I have to say, but it often needs to be said. I don't like it either when someone calls me on doing shoddy, speculative or easily refuted stuff, but eventually I realize it was for the best to hear it.
" I advocate for high standards of evidence in the movement."
And perpetual motion machines, lol!

So how did a site run with the help of someone with "high standards" start promoting Les Jamieson?

There are two parts to that answer.  The first is Jamieson  who has a checkered history with a variety of cult organizations:

Les Jamieson is an ideologue of the convicted felon, political extremist, and deeply racist megalomaniac Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and, like LaRouche, is a thief to boot.
“9/11 Truth” has its roots in the activities of people like street activist Dennis Griggs, one of the founders of what has come to be known as the No Police State Coalition. It was Mr. Griggs who could often be seen in the months and years that followed 9/11 in Union Square with a bullhorn, claiming that there was high level U.S. government
involvement in the 9/11 attacks and that the government is covering all that up.

Les Jamieson is a major leader of the NY 9-11 Denial group. He debated Ron Wieck memorably on Hardfire back in July of 2006, getting whipped so badly that even the 9-11 Blogger groupies were moaning.
He's also a member of this weird Urantia cult.
 Nico Haupt, who pointed to this information, appears to believe that Jamieson represents an infiltration by the Urantia cult, but there is no evidence of that. From what this list of the names of some Urantia members, Jamieson is the only recognizable one of any prominence in the 9-11 Denial movement. Indeed, this just seems to be a case of somebody who's into one cult joining another.
 Actually, it's  a case of someone joining any group that can be exploited for money.  Les is a leader, not a follower.  It's doubtful he cares  about either cult "mission" as long as it makes money.

But that doesn't mean cult ties aren't important.  The second reason Les is being given face time of 911blogger is he shares his interest in Larouche's propaganda with 911blogger's webmaster:

 Doesn't he know by know it's run by at least one man with a history of pushing anti-semite/conspiracy bs?

Ted Tilton Jr.
Message 1 of 4 , Dec 24 10:32 AM  [2006]
View Source
Here is some more information when considering the current history of our country...
See: A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud

The other 911blogger owner, JKeogh, is heavily involved with Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, the creators funding the campaign.

Correction, they fund it...not so much the creators.  That's another fraud.
It all comes back to MONEY.  Wonder which one of these frauds with end up ripping the other off in the end?

Taking bets:

Les "Cult Boss" Jamieson?
The 911blogger Orangutan?
Richard "Milking the Sheeple" Gage?