Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Co-Owner Keogh implies Ventura "agent", Kawika helps

Give us all a break.  There are no agents.  Ventura is someone who fell for the truther fraud and is a brand Keogh doesn't support.   But since all the truther brands are frauds it's beside the point.

 This thread 3 year old thread was bumped by Justin Keogh himself, one of the co owners of the LLC and associated website:

3 years later

In case there was any doubt on why he featured JF on his "Conspiracy Theory" series...
I put the odds that he is just painfully gullible at about 0.1%

Keogh is implying Venture must be an agent or "disinfo" or on the take, a typical conspiracy canard to spread anxiety and paranoia among trusting readers.  It is much more likely Ventura is either a gullible fool or, like Keogh, an active participate in the truther scam.

The video at the link Keogh provides was uploaded yesterday, and wherever Keogh was he was in the continental United States he bumped this thread very early in the morning.   But why? 

One possible reason is, with the withering the "truth" movement, and the failure of Richard Gage or the Rethink911 campaign to inject new blood or money, Keogh is desperate to do anything to make it look like "truth" is a real issue.  In trying to resurrecting the defunct planes/no planes/space beam meme Keogh hopes to breathe new life into the idea disinfo "agents" are out to get them, and point to this as proof 911truth has exposed information "they" are afraid of.

Of course someone familar with the past of players of the so called "movement" can easily point out where this is complete garbage. 

The first pile of bullshit is Keogh's reference to James Fetzer.   Justin Keogh would like everyone to forget his close associates involved with 911blogger were part of Fetzer's Scholar's Group
 [list dated June 2006]

 Alex Floum (AM)
 Aidan Monaghan (AM)
Electronics engineering,
 Kevin Ryan (AM)
Former Site Manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters Laboratories
 Victoria Ashley (AM)
Architecture and physiological psychology,
 Frank Legge (AM)
Chemistry, Solar Track Pty Ltd., Logical Systems Consulting
 Steven Jones (FM)
Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, co-chair of S9/11T and the creator of its home page and its forum
 And a good many would go on to be "enemies" or "disinfo" or visa versa:

Craig Ranke (AM)
9/11 researcher/activist
 Judy Wood (FM)
Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University 
 Gustavo Espada (AM)
Media and Culture, Administrator, Harvard University 
 Philip J. Berg, Esq. (FM)
Attorney at Law, Former Deputy Attorney General, former candidate for Governor, Lt. Governor, and U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania, whose web site,, covers the RICO lawsuit that is pending against Bush, Cheney and 53 other Defendants in Federal Court, Southern District of New York
Morgan Stack (FM)
Accounting, Finance & Information Systems, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. Co-founder of the Irish 9/11 Truth Movement
Webster Griffin Tarpley (FM)
President, Washington Grove Institute Government-sponsored terror, Author, "9/11 Synthetic Terror"
Constance De Vereaux (FM)
Philosophy and political science, Program in Arts Management, Shenandoah University
 Andrew Johnson (FM)
Physics, Computer Science, Software Engineering
Not counting the outright racists/Nazis/Holocaust deniers:

 James Arft (AM)
America First Party
 Kevin Barrett (FM)
Folklore, UW-Madison; Director, Khidria, Inc.; Founding Member, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth,
 Rick Rajter (SA)
Materials Science and Engineering Emerging and Fundamental Science
 Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk (AM)
Physics and math, Business administration

In fact is someone wanted to map the architects of the 9/11 Truth Scam, Fetzer's Scholars list is a good place to start.  The so called "falling out" between Fetzer and Jones isn't relevant.  All that matters is these people claim to have exhaustively researched proof the government killed 3,000 of it own people, but don't notice they're working directly with members of the obviously racist America First Party

Others noticed:

Fartful Codger
Joined: Apr 27 2005
Yeah. Take a look at that list of full members, who I assume would be the most prominent of this group. Professors of Classical English. Of Philosophy. Of Political Science. Some economists. Professor of Population Biology. Some physical scientists, yes, but they don't seem to be the majority. I wouldn't call them a "huge array" of scientists, but rather a group of sceptics.
People go looking for conspiracies but it's often mere incompetence that's at fault.
The science just doesn't back up the conspiracies. All the philosophers in the world, forming a group called Really Smart Scholars for Truth, will not change that. The group you've cited represents a tiny fraction of the number of people who actually work in the physical sciences. By their collective silence, the broader community of physical scientists have essentially said there's nothing worth pursuing here.
Do we know everything about 9-11? No, we do not. Is it possible that it was an inside job? Certainly. Is it likely? Probably not. Planning a conspiracy takes a huge number of people. Keeping that conspiracy quiet would require even more.
I don't understand the fascination with chasing this particular tale. We get distracted with this highly improbable conspiracy, which involves the disappearance of an entire flight (the theory includes the premise that United flight 93 actually landed in Cincinatti or someplace...) with no witnesses to the event.
The reality of the situation seems plenty bad itself, doesn't it? We know the Bush administration is responsible for tens of thousands of lives in Iraq. Why chase these ghosts when the real, obvious evil has been perpetrated right in front of our eyes?
ETA: Just saw an interesting note in list of Associate Members: James Arft (AM)
America First Party
The America First Party is a bunch of folks who think the Republicans are too left wing. Nice company they keep. Not necessarily a good group to hang your intellectual hat on.

True words.  You can't be so smart you discovered the conspiracy of the century and also be oblivious to something as obvious as a fringe racist wacko group in your midst who isn't even trying to hide. 

Back to the Ventura video Keogh wants people to notice.

The second pile of crap is Kawika's post:

Please leave a comment for the Governor
Good afternoon. As members of the jury it is your task to separate fact from fiction. Dr.Judy Wood's entire argument about the use of an exotic weapon on 9/11 rests upon the Towers' steel being dustified. She conveniently ignores the real numbers.
Amy C. Sims, "Recycling Trade Center Steel With Respect," Fox News, February 23, 2002:
"The Port Authority estimates more than 200,000 tons of steel was used in the World Trade Center's construction. Of that total, more than 168,000 tons has been salvaged from Ground Zero thus far, according to the New York City Office of Emergency Management.
"Three companies – Metal Management Northeast of Newark, N.J., Hugo Neu Schnitzer East of Jersey City and Blandford Land Development Corporation of Brooklyn, N.Y. – have successfully bid for city contracts to recycle the steel, and continue to bid on what remains to be salvaged."
EXHIBIT #2-- The FEMA 403 Report, Appendix D, page 1, says that "more than 350,000 tons" were recycled by MAY 2002.
EXHIBIT #3-- There are many photos and videos of the mountains of steel in the scrap yards still waiting to be recycled in APRIL 2002.
I rest my case.

Kawika's objections to spacer laser theories falls a little flat after years of membership and involvement at Phil Jayhan's Lets Roll forum documented here:

Kawika was a member of Let's Roll since 2006 and was active on the forum up to mid last year.  Readers  should be directed to this post where Kawika's admits to being open to Judy Wood's insane sci-fi theories and ridiculous lawsuit:

 13 Apr 2011 , 21:51 PM 

Join Date: 10 Feb 2006
Location: homeontherange

You need to develop your own following. Richard Gage is not your answer man. Asking why he doesn't investigate something that you find important will not produce the outcome you hope for. He is investigating and promoting what he feels is important. You must respect each individual's right to do as he pleases.

This type of harangue borders on stalking. Very uncomfortable to view.

You and I have discussed some of Judy Wood's observations in the past. I find some of it compelling and other parts thin.

Please go do research and promote yourself. You will win few friends by attempting to ride on A&E's coattails.

Help Judy with her legal efforts and try to find evidence that her theories are sound.

To get an idea of exactly how cynical Kawika is pushing whichever conspiracy serve the agenda of the moment, take a look at his Chemtrail post:


  24 Apr 2010 , 11:52 AM


Join Date: 10 Feb 2006
Location: homeontherange



1. They told us they would do it in REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN, 1967.

2. These are the same people who brought us fluoridated water, GMO, vaccines, pesticides, fertilizer, NBC weaponry, depleted uranium, HAARP and who knows what other mean technologies.

3. They are a different species.

4. They are preparing for a new population of workers.

5. They thrive on toxicity.

The link for the REPORT. When you get it, search Eugenic.

Here's another good video on N. California Chemtrail activity.
Conspiracy fear mongering at it's creepiest, complete with links to the Cass-cult friendly Project Camelot website:

In summary, as the "truth" movement collapses in on itself, the handful of charlatans invented most of the theories are forced to play off each other to convince their readers and donors there's a real movement.  

Keogh has all but snitch-jacketed Ventura,  saying the chances of him being gullible are very low.  But this has always been true, and applies to Keogh and Kawika. 

The chances are very low that Keogh, co owner of a conspiracy company and involved with Richard Gage's non profit is unaware this charade is a fraud.

The chances are very low Kawika really believes that Chemtrails exist, much less that they're for population control.

The changes are low Ventura really thinks the Judy Wood Space Beam Show is real.  

But that doesn't make Ventura, or any of these clowns "cointelpro" or "agents".  It just makes them greedy, predatory publicity mongers trying to line their pockets with the "Truther" scam.

You're welcome.

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